The video above has no hyperbole, no exaggerations - just the facts of how Home Depot Installation Services failed to live up to their standards. After a bad initial install, I literally had to chase them to get answers. They were not responsive, did not follow through with promises, and flat out ignored most of my texts when I was simply trying to coordinate or get more information. I had to make first contact every time - not once did they contact me to give status updates.
We remained patient and understanding through the entire experience for over nine months. We tried handling it locally with installation services. Finally, after constantly ignoring my texts, I filed a complaint with Hope Depot customer service 20 October.
After contacting customer service, we were told someone would follow-up with us immediately. Both my wife and I called back multiple times before finally receiving a phone call from the regional installation director on November 3rd.
The experience has been exceptionally frustrating. We do not feel like valued customers, or that Home Depot appreciated our business. We are not rich people - we both work for the military, so $13,000 is a significant investment for us.
The project is still incomplete and installed incorrectly.